Today, Wednesday, the 4th of Zul Qada, 1444 Ah, the Acting Minister of Economy Qari Din Muhammad "Hanif" met with the officials of a number of non-governmental organizations in the conference hall of the Ministry.

چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۲/۳/۳ - ۱۶:۷
Today, Wednesday, the 4th of Zul Qada, 1444 Ah, the Acting Minister of Economy Qari Din Muhammad "Hanif" met with the officials of a number of non-governmental organizations in the conference hall of the Ministry.

Today, Wednesday, the 4th of Zul Qada, 1444 Ah, the Acting Minister of Economy Qari Din Muhammad "Hanif" met with the officials of a number of non-governmental organizations in the conference hall of the Ministry.
 In this meeting, which was held under the leadership of the Ministry of Economy, with the participation of the officials of 32 domestic and foreign non-governmental organizations, firstly, the Acting Minister of the Ministry of Economy talked about improvement and coordinating projects and plans for the non-governmental organizations with the Ministry of Economy and sectoral ministries and he added Our country has just come out of the conditions of several decades of wars and insecurity, which caused severe damage to the economic institutions of the country and damaged small facilities and infrastructures at the village level. The people of our country are currently in need of humanitarian aid from the international community, and the reconstruction of the economic infrastructure of our country at the national and regional levels. Construction and renovation of mosques, an extension of healthy drinking water networks, digging of drinking water wells, construction of check dams, and other small development projects at the village level are among the most important needs of our people. Taking into account the current economic situation, all non-governmental organizations should try to organize their programs, projects, and activities based on the urgent needs of the people and coordinate with this ministry and sectoral departments through employment opportunities and reduce poverty gradually. They also pay serious attention to balanced development and identification of vulnerable areas and classes. After that, the officials of the non-governmental organizations informed the head of the Ministry of Economy about their programs and plans in different provinces of the country and assured cooperation with the Ministry of Economy in the future.

تازه ترین اخبار

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۹ - ۱۳:۲۲
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دیدار سرپرست وزارت اقتصاد با رئیس اداره مشارکت بین‌المللی اروپا

سرپرست وزارت اقتصاد، الحاج قاری دین محمد حنیف، در دیدار با پیترس اوستوبس ( Peteris USTUBS)  رئیس اداره مشارکت بین المللی اروپا پیرامون بهبود همکاری های اقتصادی، همآهنگی برنامه ها و . . .

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۹ - ۱۲:۳۳
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معین مالی و اداری وزارت اقتصاد بر تمرکز بیشتر بر اجرای پروژه‌های خدمات اساسی صحی تأکید کرد

مولوی محمدعالم جمیل، معین مالی و اداری وزارت اقتصاد، در دیدار با مسئولان مؤسسات بین‌المللی (UNICEF، OCHA، JACK، HSDO) پیرامون چگونگی اجرا و بهبود پروژه‌های خدمات اساسی صحی (BPHS) در. . .

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۳ - ۹:۶
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دیدار سرپرست وزارت اقتصاد با سفیر ناروی برای افغانستان؛ تأکید بر بهبود همکاری‌های اقتصادی و بشردوستانه

الحاج قاری دین محمد "حنیف"، سرپرست وزارت اقتصاد ، با "پر البرت ایلساس"، سفیر ناروی برای افغانستان، دیدار و در مورد گسترش همکاری‌های اقتصادی و بشردوستانه میان دو کشور گفت‌وگو کرد.


در. . .