اعلان پروژه تحت نام Procurement of Goods for Supply of Four Soft Skin SUV Vehicles for Ez-Kar sediqi https://moec.gov.af/ps/node/565 Publish Date سهشنبه ۱۳۹۸/۶/۵ - ۱۲:۰ Closing Date پنجشنبه ۱۳۹۸/۷/۴ - ۱۲:۰ Specific Procurement Notic Request for Bids Goods (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Country: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Name of Project: Eshteghal Zaiee- Karmondena Project (Ez-Kar) Contract Title: Procurement of Goods for Supply of Four Soft Skin SUV Vehicles for Ez-Kar office Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No.: IDA Grant D416-AF and ARTF Grant TF0A9092-AF RFB Reference No.: AF-EZ-KAR MOEC-PIU-95994-GO-RFB Documents Procurement of Goods for Supply of Four Soft Skin SUV Vehicles for Ez-Kar