The meeting of the leadership board of the Ministry of Economy was held.

Kabul, 19 Aquarius 1399:
Before noon today, the meeting of the leadership board of the Ministry of Economy, under the chairmanship of Dr. Karima Hamid Faryabi, the Minister of Economy of the country, was held
In this meeting, the heads of the central Shabat of the Ministry of Economy of Panjshir, Baghlan, Herat and Paktia provinces present the reports of their related zones in the awareness section of the second document of the National Peace and Development Chaharchub and their views on the formulation of the Strategic Plan 1400-1405 The Ministry of Economy shared it.
Then, the Minister of Economy, by evaluating the work that has taken place, demands the attention of officials in the field of awareness-raising of the second ANPDF, arranging annual provincial plans, arranging regulatory plans, digitization of office affairs, continuation of voting with fundraisers about the amendment of the NGO law The finalization of the five-year strategic plan of the Ministry of Economy.
The rotating meeting of the leadership board of the Ministry of Economy was held.
1399 / Salvagha / 19
Today before noon, the meeting of the leadership board of the Ministry of Economy was held in the conference hall of the ministry of memorial office under the leadership of Dr. Karima Hamid Faryabi.
In this meeting, in addition to the central directors of the ministry, the directors of Panjshr, Baghlan, Herat and Paktia provinces presented the work reports of the zones related to Afghanistan's peace and development document. And the Ministry of Economy shared his views on the five-year plan (1400-1405 L).
Later, the Minister of Economy evaluated the work done and asked for the attention of the officials in the public education of the second ANPDF, and also the annual plan of the provinces and supervision plan in Odun, electronic offices, law of non-governmental organizations. Continuous consultations with fundraisers on the amendment and the Ministry of Economy has targeted participants to complete the five-year strategic plan.